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Do you often feel embarrassed about your smile or your imperfect teeth? No need to go to the dentist to have it fixed! Use the MySmile™ clip on veneers false teeth instead and achieve the picture-perfect smile you’ve always dreamed of but without costing you a fortune!
These teeth filling are designed to disguise perfectly crooked, stained, missing & gapped teeth.

These Perfect teeth covers, cover your damaged teeth to have a perfect smile.
These fake veneers are a non-invasive cosmetic, removable full or partial arch that literally snaps over the patient’s existing dentition without impinging on the gingival tissue or covering the palate. It’s completely clip on teeth, so no adhesives are required. You can eat, drink, and function normally all day, every day!
One size fits most men and women. It’s easy and safe to use. Moreover, these temporary teeth help you with all of your dental needs. It looks like a natural set of teeth. Use these comfortable clip on veneers to get natural teeth instantly.

➡ Place teeth into a cup of hot (almost boiling) water for 1 minute. This will make them flexible and ready to custom fit.
➡ Using a mirror, firmly position the teeth over your existing teeth. Press them firmly against your teeth and gently pat the impression material with your thumbs behind your real teeth.
➡ Gently ease the teeth out of your mouth after 30 seconds and set them in a glass of cold water to cool. The impression material turns white when it is hardened.
The impression is now mounded to the shape of your teeth and can be used as and when desired.

- Achieve the smile of your dreams.
- These teeth caps made mould works to disguise crooked, stained, missing and gapped teeth.
- Great alternative to expensive braces.
- Designed to look like a natural set of teeth
- For men and women
- Easy and safe to use
1 x The upper and the lower Smile Veneers